Stories & Info

Emily Moline Meyer

Posted: August 22, 2023
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“Farmgirlfit is more than a gym – it’s a place to find yourself, be challenged, be loved, cared for, and seen. Together, we can do more than we’d attempt alone; I feel that whenever we start a new workout together. Since joining Farmgirlfit, I’ve lifted heavier, run faster, worked harder, and laughed a LOT!”


Client Engagement Manager, Bernardo Wills

How did you come to Farmgirlfit?

My friend Hayley mentioned FGF to me, and I tried it on my birthday week that year – best birthday gift to myself ever! Pre-COVID, I was a group fitness instructor at the YMCA a couple nights a week, and have always loved working out with others. I missed having a community and was ready to lift some heavy weight!

What has been your greatest fitness/performance accomplishment so far?

I think a big milestone for me was breaking 200 in my back squat – now I’m up to 210 1RM – couldn’t have done it without Coach Katie cheering for me! I also ran my first half marathon in 2022, something I never thought I could do! I would like to run in more races and maybe compete in some other fitness competitions.

What are your next health and fitness goals?

When I first started at FGF, my goal was to be the strongest, fastest, most badass version of myself. To me, that looked like intense effort, heavy weight, and lots of sweat. Now, I’ve been dealing with Epstein Barr and some similar infections the last year, and it’s taken a lot of wind out of my sails. My current goals are to be the healthiest version of myself and give myself enough rest, so my workouts have looked a little different! We would like to start a family in the next season of life, so I want to be the best version of myself!

Favorite exercise at FGF? Least favorite?

Favorite: Power Clean!! Least favorite: Plate Pushes – who’s with me?!

Favorite workout vibe?

I love a 90’s hip hop jam, when we all know the words and can jam out!

When the Grind is kicking my butt, I’m thinking…

Keep pushing, keep moving. The only way through is through!

My favorite thing about Farmgirlfit is:

How diverse the membership is in age, identity, fitness level, body type, everything! I’ve never felt more myself in any other gym – and I can show up just as I am. I love how every ability and every body is loved and cared for.

How has the rest of your life been influenced/impacted by Farmgirlfit?

The confidence I feel when I tackle and achieve something new definitely impacts my confidence in other areas. When you do something you didn’t think you could at the gym, you start to consider the other areas of your life – what else could I do? I never thought I would consider going back to school, but here I am, two classes away from my MBA!

Often, when we are looking at the Grind ahead of a workout, or maybe we’re through round one, many of us probably wonder whether we’ll be able to do it. And time and time again, we do! It’s powerful to prove it to yourself, even if it looks a little different, or it was slow or you dropped weight, you finished.

Who/what inspires you to be fit?

I am inspired by my future family – I want to take care of my mind and body so I can be there for them in the future and enjoy sports and activities with my kiddos and grandkids!

When you're not pumping iron at FGF, what does the rest of your life look like?

I work full time and I am finishing up my MBA this fall, so many nights I’m rushing to night class right after my treasured 4:30pm class. My husband Wade and I are constantly working on projects around the house, and right now I’m feeding a voracious reading habit – what are you reading?! I need to know!

You might not know this about me:

I sing and play piano and guitar! I don’t have much time for music, but it occupied the first 20 years of my life and I considered studying performing arts in college. You might catch me singing along in the Grind or making up my own songs…once a theater kid, always a theater kid.

As a kid I dreamt I would grow up to be:

A boss lady. I wanted to be so many things, and all of them have this common – they don’t take anyone’s shit!

My happy place:

Is the couch on a Sunday night with a clean house, big blanket, and a book. That and the spa – I always need a massage!

Words that inspire me?

“Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials.” – Lin Yutang

As a recovering perfectionist and people-pleaser, leaving things undone when they no longer serve me is something I’ll be learning for a long time.

Guilty pleasure:

Ice cream! Froyo! Ice cream sandwiches! A Blizzard! You name it – I love it.

Any advice for new members or your fellow Farmgirls?

Keep. Showing. Up. The first workout is the hardest, not because of the exercises (those are really hard, too), but because potentially sucking at something is scary af and vulnerability is terrifying. I still remember my first day, showing up to Coach Sav’s class at 6:30am, and being terrified for the whole workout. But I kept coming! And made friends, got stronger, and now I crave it!

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